Idaho Choral Symphony Orchestra, Boise, Idaho – Peter Covino music director
The Idaho Choral Symphony Orchestra is a professional Boise, Idaho orchestra with professional musicians and volunteers from Boise, Meridian, and the surrounding treasure valley area. The orchestra and Alleluia Chorus specialize in performing both selections and complete works for chorus and orchestra. This Idaho symphony orchestra performs music from operas, oratorios, requiems, choral symphonies, masses, sacred music, and other music written for voice and orchestra. Movements from concertos and orchestral works are performed between the choral works both for variety and to give the choir a chance to sit down. Only the most spectacular, bone-tingling exciting and beautiful music is chosen.
Most of the performances include visuals, i.e., multi media presentations. Our music is taken from the 19th and 20th centuries including premieres.
The Idaho Choral Symphony Orchestra plays from September through June with 10 regular concerts and weekly rehearsals.
The regular chorus, used for most of the concerts, draws from members of the Alleluia Chorus and other choirs by invitation.
There are always openings in the chorus and orchestra. Follow the links at the contacts section to learn more about the Alleluia Chorus at the Idaho Choir web site. There are also paid and volunteer openings with the Idaho Choir.
Our Mission
To produce and perform beautiful choral symphonic and orchestral works which are exciting, spiritually up-lifting, soul searching, and inspirational. We believe music is the universal language crossing religious and ethnic barriers. Choral music especially has the ability to bring out the best in all mankind. To this end our music is chosen and hope you will come to a concert and be surprisingly refreshed and exhilarated.